Part 1: Episode I: I Am the Tutorial
New Music: Beginning of the End
Welcome. Sorry, theres no flashy introduction sequence. Just a somber piano piece and the title. By the way, I hope you all enjoy piano music! I am Setsunas soundtrack is composed entirely of just piano pieces. Theres some real good music but ehh Your mileage may vary as to whether that music choice works. There are some bits where it absolute does and others where it feels like the scene is going to turn into a ragtime silent movie gag. But enough about that, let's begin...
We begin our tale taking a quiet, nighttime walk through the snow covered woods. At the time of the writing of this update, its the middle of one of the hottest summers in recorded history and my electric bill is being destroyed by constant air conditioning use. I wouldnt mind trading places with this fellow for a bit
Our late night stroll is interrupted by a tactical wetsuit clad man passing our field of vision, sending the entire base on alert and immediately jamming the radar. Its gonna be one of those kinda days
A bearded man with similar clothing to the first fellow wanders out from behind the trees
I am Setsuna, staying true to its old school RPG roots, allows us to rename our party members. Meet our main protagonist: Endir. Well be sticking with everyones default names, for better or worse. I like to stay traditional too. This game, being a RPG hearkening back to roleplaying games of old, is almost entirely text based. The only spoken dialogue is a few combat barks, which all remain in Japanese. So everyone will just use Endirs name, instead of dodging around the altered title like certain other RPGs I could name
Endir here is basically a silent protagonist. But he will often be asked questions, of which we can select the response. So hes clearly saying those lines. Ill go ahead and spoil that 99.9% of the time, these choices absolutely do not matter and will only alter the immediately following dialogue for a couple lines, before the conversation proceeds as intended. A game with deep moral choice and complex, branching storylines this aint.
Usually the choices are Endir just blandly going along with whatever or being a bit of a dick about going with whatever. I dont think you need to ask which conversation choices Ill be making in this case.
And with that, Hapsper runs off ahead leaving us in control. Our only available action is following behind. The first item of note is that Endir will leave a lovely trail in the snow as he runs through deeper patches. Clumps of snow will also shake free from tree branches as Endir bounds by as well. I am Setsuna does snow really well. I hope you enjoy snow environments because umm thats the VAST bulk of the games locales!
As we run ahead a few paces, we come upon Hapsper stopped up ahead. Lets see whats crackin with our non-combatant companion.
Welcome to our first tutorial. You ever played Chrono Trigger? Guess what, this games battle system is A WHOLE LOT like Chrono Trigger. Though I dont think gaining initiative depending on where enemies were facing was mechanic. All encounters play out on the field. Theres no separate battle field zone.
The battles themselves work on an ATB Gauge. If youre interested in this game, youve almost definitely played an RPG with an ATB gauge. A little meter builds up. When its full we can select an action. Enemies work the same way, though their gauges are hidden. The ATB can be set to Active, where the gauges, both ally and enemies, are ALWAYS filling. Or Wait, where everyones ATB will pause when navigating menus or playing out attack animations. I usually just use Wait, which is the default.
New Music: No Turning Back (You should probably listen to the default battle theme.)
Alright, time for our first battle against the fearsome Pengy. I cannot say there is much to it, given its the were assuming youve never touched a RPG before school of hit Attack to Attack school of tutorials.
Enemies can and will scurry about the field during battle. Unfortunately, our protagonist is locked in place unless he takes a special action which is currently not available. Spacing and enemy placement is important in I am Setsuna. But, thats a bit advanced for this course.
After 2-3 hits, Pengy is sent to the great big mascot character marketing center in the sky. Mission: Penguin Pulverizing is a success!
New Music: Astounding Victory
At the end of every battle, the entire active party receives some experience points, regardless of whether they actually did anything or not. Which is nice. Were also almost always dumped with an assortment of items. Item drops in Setsuna are a bit weird. But well get to that later.
Music ends
You know what, lets just get the snow tracing elephant in the room out of the way early, eh?
Continuing further into the woods
Special abilities, both physical and magical, fall under the banner of Techs. The first one Endir learns is Cyclone. Again by chance, have you played Chrono Trigger? As this is the same exact ability titling and first attack Crono learns.
So during the course of Setsuna, well be picking up different equipment for our characters which we can stick stones into in order to use different abilities. Equipment in this game is kind of strange and a bit backwards. But we dont need to concern ourselves with that right now.
We do need to equip our spritnite (I look forward to typing this as spiritnite a bunch) in order to use our Techs. Which requires a bit of menu shuffling. Theres quite a bit to look at in the menu screen. But well save all that for another day. We can learn that were apparently in the Hymncott Forest.
Spritnite can be equipped and unequipped from equipment at will. Its pretty much Materia from Final Fantasy VII in that regard. Theres no cost to learn Techs or grinding to unlock em. Endir is now just good to go with Cyclone.
Music: No Turning Back
Now for the battle at hand. Endir is faced with TWO Pengys. Pengies? Pengi? Im not certain. Theres two penguins pissed at our hero while completely ignoring the bearded old man just chilling out and bringing up power point presentations to teach us how to fight. Convenient.
Remember how I said enemy positioning matters? Cyclone strikes everything in a certain radius around the targeted foe. So if both of the chubby penguins are bunched up near Endir, hell strike them both with the attack. But if one were to have some weird pathing and wander off to the bottom right of the map, it would evade the blow. This doesnt really matter when theres just one character in the party, as all enemies will gang up on him. But monsters tend to spread out a bit more when we get a full party.
Techs all use MP. Its the blue bar on the bottom. Green is our HP. Orange is the ATB bar. The snowflake is another mechanic well see shortly.
As we add two more cutesy mascot character design creatures notches to our belt, youll notice weve gotten an Exact Kill on both of the enemies. Setsuna rewards players with different loot drops based on how they finish enemies. For instance, an Exact Kill means the killing blow drained the enemies HP to just about exactly zero. So if the enemy had 25 HP left and we did 26 HP of damage with the killing blow, thats an Exact Kill since theres a bit of leeway. Ill go over the types of finishers later.
Music ends
The two run off further into the woods. But Endir stops short upon noticing this strange ring of light.
So this is a save point. Hey, you see the very last couple lines in this tutorial. READ EM CAREFULLY! This game is going so old school that it has neglected to make auto-saves. Which No, Tokyo RPG Factory. Fuck off there. Nobody looks fondly back on losing hours of play because they neglected to save and they got wiped or the power went out or what have you. That shit sucks! It doesnt help that this is also keeping with the old school aesthetic of no continues. A Game Over is a booting out to the menu.
I am Setsuna will make no further efforts to remind us to save. The onus of that is entirely on the player. When we reach the world map, well be able to save again. Indeed, the world map is the primary place where the game can be saved. There are save points in the world. But theyre mostly reserved for the ends of dungeons, prior to a boss. Towns dont have save points, non-dungeon but enemy filled regions rarely have save points. Indeed, I think the next actual in-game save point is a good 90+ minutes from now.
Endir follows Hapsper, saving his game diligently beforehand
The teams investigation of what appears to be the lost girl were rescuing is interrupted by a less than friendly sounding roar
New Music: Deadly Gamble
MAN BEAR! And he is pissed weve been slaughtering his Pengy buddies frolicking about.
A couple more tutorials for us. Momentum Mode. This makes the ATB system a bit more interesting. There is a secondary gauge that fills when our ATB meter is full or when we attack/take damage. This allows us to do a timed button press to buff our attack. The timing is quite generous and theres little reason not to use Momentum Mode whenever its available.
I couldnt really tell you the specifics of this mechanic. What you read here is pretty much what you get. If the meter is full, we hit the Momentum button and something cool will happen! We dont get a whole lot of control over it. Theres some RNG where it could buff the entire party involved. Its kind of a vague, weird system. Super Mario RPG timed attacks this aint.
New Music: Relentless Advance
Now we have our first boss encounter: Jaboo the Manbear. Or Bearman. Im not sure what they prefer to call themselves. Regardless, its a bear. Its bad news by its very nature! Jaboo isnt too tough of a customer given you know, him being about fifteen minutes into the game. Hes got around 200 HP compared to the 50 or so of the penguin fodder weve been tackling. On the other hand, its pretty darn slow. Endir can usually take two turns for every single one the angry bear can take.
The Jaboo can claw Endir at close range from around 25 HP of damage. At least it says claw. The monster is clearly wearing massive gauntlets obscuring its claws. But details
Additionally, the Tutorial Bear can grab Endir and bite him twice for 20+ HP each chomp. Though in this case, it managed to whiff once. C'mon bear. How do you whiff a bite? That's like your entire thing!
The Cyclone Tech works quite nice in shoving back Jaboo, who needs to lumber back to our position to attack with his close range melee abilities. Timing it right can let Endir get a third turn before the bear gets one go.
Additionally, we can try out that whole Momentum Mode thing. Assuming we have a spare Momentum Gauge filled, when performing the next action, a strip of lightning will appear above our characters head. If we tap the attack button when that flashes on screen
Our character will follow up with something. In this case, Endirs standard attack got a secondary sweep for near double damage. Ill take it.
And that counted as a Momentum Kill to finish off this first boss. Yep, were done already. Assume there were a couple Cyclones and a few standard attacks thrown in before the beast was slain. Its not like a tutorial fight is ever particularly flashy.
We also leveled up thanks to our slaying of the fearsome Jaboo. Leveling comes fairly fast and quick early game in Setsuna. Our stats are slightly buffed with each level. But the big thing is that all our HP and MP is restored with levels. Indeed, leveling up will be our primary means of restoring our characters for the first several hours of the game. Its weird.
We also gain some new materials of unknown use. Sure, lets just shove some bamboo and a beehive claw into our pockets. Its fine. You never know when it may come in handy!
New Music: A Moment of Respite
Oh. Right. We should probably check on the girl were meant to be rescuing. I dont think the pay is as good if they come back slightly bear-manhandled.
Gettin paid, son. Granted, we have no point of reference to know if this is a healthy sum of a reward or if were working fantasy minimum wage for our efforts.
Hapsper begins to follow the girl but stops after a few paces
And with that, Hapsper departs along with the girl. Welp. Mission done. But our evening in the woods is not quite over
New Music: Feeling of Unease
When a man wanders out from the darkness of the woods with music like that, I feel like you should draw your sword. But thats just me.
And that concludes the prologue of I am Setsuna. A mysterious man tasks our mercenary protagonist with giving the gift of assassination to a young woman for her birthday. What could possibly go wrong?
Endir Official Art The two-tone neon ponytail really brings the whole design together.
Pengy Render - D'aww. Look at this goofy little dude Endir gutted multiple times.
Jaboo Render - Upon closer inspection, this guy has a few more problems than being a dopey tutorial bear.
Video: I am Setsuna Opening Credits